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The Ravings Essays
This document was most recently revised on Sundayay, May 19, 2024.

These essays examine words, choice, science, religion, history, philosophy, and more.
The Ravings of a Mad Man
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This essay was first completed on Tuesday, March 28, 1989.
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We have a very strange language.  We use it to say some very strange things.  In this essay, I began to examine some of the peculiarities of the language and discovered a whole new category of words.  By right of discovery, I call them nononyms.

More Ravings of a Mad Man
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This essay was first completed on Friday, October 20, 1989.
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In this essay I continued the examination of language that I began in The Ravings of a Mad Man.  Along the way, I proved the obnoxious nature of Christian evangelism.

The Lone Raver
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This essay was first completed on Friday, March 23, 1990.
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Did you know that there isn't any antonym in Christian doctrine for the word sin?  All Christians consider themselves to be sinners.  Their vocabulary doesn't allow them any alternative.

Ravin' Evermore
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This essay was first completed on Monday, August 12, 1991.
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In this essay, I strayed from the examination of words and looked at the idea of choice.  There are a lot of different ways to look at things.  I made some suggestions about who built the pyramids, what causes the red shift, what amoebas might think about people, and more.

More Adventures of The Lone Raver
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This essay was first completed on Thursday, October 10, 1991.
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Experience would be a better teacher if people would be better students.  Here's an abbreviated chronicle of some of my schooling.  Cleverly hidden among the factual data you might find the occasional gently stated opinion.

To Rave Is Madness
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This essay was first completed on Thursday, February 20, 1992.
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The dictionaries in our language are not very good at describing humility, one of the more desirable and, sadly, less common of human characteristics.  Furthermore, we're not very good at understanding humility.  We're even less good at achieving it.  We have a very strange language, a very strange culture, and very strange minds.

The Lone Raver Writes Again
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This essay was first completed on Friday, April 12, 2002.
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Is a test tube baby a natural human being, with all the rights of a natural human being?  Or, is a test tube baby a manufactured human being, with about the same rights as a washing machine?  Read this essay and make your own decision.

Raving Over Time
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This essay was first completed on Tuesday, February 4, 2003.
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When documents remain in use for long periods of time, changes in the usage of the words in the documents guarantee that the meanings of the documents will change.

Born to Rave
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This essay was first completed on Tuesday, February 19, 2008.
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What really happened at the Tower of Babel?  What was the Tree of Knowledge?  Are we really alone?  Why can't we be peaceful? 

Born Again to Rave Again
8 Pages Long
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This essay was first completed on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
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I expect that this is my last Ravings Essay.

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